How much cost Monitortool?
Nothing, Monitortool is Freeware by Thomas Nickel
What is Monitortool?
With Monitortool you can install 1000 of EAs (EAs=Trading Robots) automaticaly. This can be done with "one click".
Tell me some features of this software
Ist a documentation available?
Yes, you can find this in the download section.
The feature is new: Integrated fxblue trade copier
Monitortool has integrated the fxblue trade copier, this make sense if you want to install many EAs on demo accounts and trade only the best EAs on real account. You can solve in this way the different GMT differences between the different brokers and timezones.
On one server you can run more than 100 EAs at the same time. You can delete not profitable EAs with one click. You can attach the profitable EAs to the real accounts with one click.
The follwing screenshoot shows the monitortool on a server. At the moment 299 EAs are installed on demoaccount. Some profitable EAs have been found after a short time.
Supported EA formats
Supported Generators