First Step: Strategy Generation
We use for strategy creation a generation tool. The generation process is done by
A detailed documentation for this product is available here. With StrategyQuantX you are able to produce Trading strategies automaticaly. StrategyQuantX is a Suite to produce strategies. It based on an genetic alorithm. With StrategyQuantX you can produce 1000 and more strategies in a short time. This software have tools to prevent curvefitting and select the strategies which have the most potential for profit.
In the following example I have produced 730 profitabel strategies in a short time.
With the montecarlo robustness test you are able to check if this strategy is curvefitted or not.
The strategy production and testing can be done in an automaticaly workflow, all tasks will be done automaticaly. You will get the best strategies at the end of the generation process. In the next picture you can see the workflow on the left side of the picture.
This workflow contains 11 Steps
Second Step: Installing and Observation.
After generation and filtering of profitable strategies the Monitortool (Freeware by Thomas Nickel) came in this game.
The next step is to install this found strategies to demo or real accounts. I suggest to install all strategies to demoaccout first. Check this strategies some trades. I think If you wait 10 trades and the strategy show a good equitycurve you can trade this found EA to realaccount.
This all can be done by Monitortool automaticaly. (Monitortool is freeware by Thomas Nickel)
With one click you can
If you make you work good you will have after a while a good portfolio of strategies. I will show an example.
But I would like to note, this is a long way. It is not so easy to create a portfolio with top equity curve. You need years of know-how to generate a portfolio with this equitycurve.
Monitortool can´t make money, It is only a tool to install and observe EAs. It is a help tool on this way. You should keep that on the back on your mind.
I found some good external information sources for StrategyQuantX
Generating Bitcoin Strategies with StrategyQuantX